Learn More About Hemophilia B

Hemophilia B is the second most common type of hemophilia.

There are approximately 7,000+ people with hemophilia B in the United States, a number that is based on study data that looked at individuals receiving care at Hemophilia Treatment Centers (HTCs) from 2012 to 2018, adjusted to include the portion of the population that does not use HTCs. The estimate is that there are 29,761 to 32,985 males with hemophilia in the United States, of which 76.5% have hemophilia A and 23.5% have hemophilia B. Both hemophilias appear to affect all racial and ethnic groups. However, we do not have a good estimate of how many women have hemophilia, so the actual number of people with hemophilia is likely higher.

What is Hemophilia B?

Hemophilia is a disorder in which the blood does not clot properly. The two most common types, hemophilia A and hemophilia B, are caused by defective or missing proteins that are part of the system that causes the blood to clot. In hemophilia B the defective or missing protein is called factor IX. Both hemophilias affect males almost exclusively. There are a number of other hemophilias, most caused by defects in or absence of other proteins of the clotting system. The most common of these is von Willebrand disease. All of the others are rare.

Although one might think that the danger for a person with hemophilia would be bleeding to death from even a small injury, that is not usually the problem. The blood of a person with hemophilia clots much more slowly than normal, but the blood clotting system has a lot of redundancy, so it will eventually cause the blood to clot by alternate mechanisms. Most of the danger comes from bleeding internally. For instance, without treatment, many people with severe hemophilia B become crippled from damage caused by recurrent bleeding into their joints. They may also bleed into their muscles and other soft tissues. These bleeding episodes or bleeds appear to arise spontaneously, often with no apparent triggering event. Such bleeds can be life threatening if they occur in or around vital organs or block the airway in the throat. The most dangerous event is bleeding into the brain, one of the primary causes of death in hemophilia.

Hemophilia B is usually classified as mild, moderate or severe. People with less than 1 % of the normal level of factor IX have severe hemophilia B which involves frequent spontaneous bleeding into joints or soft tissue and prolonged bleeding during trauma or surgery. People with 1 – 5 % of normal factor IX levels have moderate hemophilia B with occasional bleeding episodes and excessive bleeding during surgery or trauma. People with factor IX levels more than 5 % of normal have mild hemophilia B. They usually do not have bleeding episodes but may bleed excessively during trauma or surgery.

Do you or a loved one have Hemophilia B?

The Coalition for Hemophilia B, Inc., strives to make quality of life the focal point of treatment for people with hemophilia B and their families through education, empowerment, advocacy, and outreach.

What causes hemophilia B?

Hemophilia B is caused by defective or missing factor IX proteins in the blood. Factor IX is one of thirteen clotting factors that were historically identified as substances that affected blood clotting. When the blood clotting system was first being understood, medical researchers did not know exactly what the factors were, so they gave them Roman numerals I through XIII. Now we know that most of the clotting factors are proteins and that there are numerous other substances involved besides the original thirteen.

The factor IX protein is usually defective or missing because of a defective factor IX gene. A gene tells the body how to make a protein, so a defective gene will result in a defective protein, or if the defect is significant enough, it can result in the body making none of the protein at all. Alternatively, a small defect might result in a protein that still has some activity, which for factor IX could result in a milder form of hemophilia B.

The factor IX gene is located on the X chromosome, which is the reason that the disease mainly affects males. Men have an X and a Y chromosome, so they only have one copy of the factor IX gene. Women have two X chromosomes, which each has a copy of the factor IX gene. Therefore, even if a woman has a defective factor IX gene on one X chromosome, she usually has a normal factor IX gene on the other X chromosome. One good factor IX gene is usually enough; even normal males only have one factor IX gene. A woman can have defective factor IX genes on both X chromosomes, and thus have hemophilia B, but that is rare.

However, women with a defective factor IX gene are carriers of hemophilia B because if they pass on the X chromosome with the defective gene to a son, the son will have hemophilia B. Men inherit their single X chromosome from their mother and their Y chromosome from their father. A male with hemophilia B cannot pass on the disease to his sons, but he can pass it on to his grandsons. A male with a defective factor IX gene will pass it on to his daughters who then are carriers of the disease. His daughters’ children then have a 50 – 50 chance of inheriting the defective gene; the males having hemophilia and the females being carriers.

Defects in the factor IX gene can also occur spontaneously. During fertilization the genes in a woman’s egg are combined with the genes in the male’s sperm to produce the set of genes, called the genome, that will occur in almost every cell of the new child’s body. The single-cell embryo resulting from combining the egg and sperm then starts dividing to produce more cells, copying the genes that were in the single cell to supply genes for the new cells. Whenever genes are combined or copied, there is always the possibility of mistakes (mutations). If a mutation occurs when the factor IX gene is being copied, the child may have hemophilia or be a carrier. Even though the child became afflicted by a spontaneous mutation, it is now part of his or her genetic makeup and can be passed to his or her offspring.

Explore the Hemo B Glossary

The Hemophilia B Glossary of Terms is a comprehensive resource designed to enhance understanding and communication for patients, families, and healthcare professionals.

The History of Hemophilia B

Hemophilia has an ancient history. The earliest written reference to hemophilia may be that found in the Mishneh Torah, a second century compilation of Jewish law. There it states that if a mother has had two sons circumcised who both died as a result, then a third son must not be circumcised. Although it does not specifically state that the deaths were due to bleeding, other sections of these writings do refer to “loose” blood.

Another early reference is the legend of the Curse of Tenna. In 1769 a judge in the small Swiss village of Tenna condemned an innocent man to death. The legend states that this act led to the inflicting of a curse upon the judge and his family. This curse was believed by the citizens of Tenna to be the cause of a serious bleeding disorder, sometimes leading to bleeding to death, which afflicted the family for generations. This was, in fact, a family with hereditary hemophilia, the oldest and largest such family ever described comprising 3072 members, 55 who had hemophilia. It turns out that the family disease is hemophilia B rather than the more common hemophilia A.

An early medical account published in 1803 correctly described the disease as one which affects males but is transmitted by females. In fact, the early passage from the Jewish Torah goes on to say that “…additionally, the sons of the woman’s sister should not be circumcised, but the sons of her brother can be circumcised. Remarkably, it was not until 1865 that Mendel reported the laws of genetic inheritance and not until the early 1900s that such diseases were discovered to be carried by the X chromosome, and thus affect only males.

Queen Victoria of England (1837-1901) was a carrier of the disease who passed it on to her son Prince Leopold. Two of her daughters were also carriers who passed the disease on to a number of their descendants in the royal families of Russia, Spain and Germany.

However, it was not until the early 1950s that hemophilia A and hemophilia B were recognized as separate diseases. Both diseases have identical symptoms, so it was very difficult to distinguish between them.

Since that time, the history of hemophilia B has followed the development of the factor IX products used to treat the disease. Until the late 1950s serum, and later plasma, were the only treatments available. Then in 1959 the first purified factor IX concentrate derived from plasma was developed in France. This was followed by the development of similar concentrates in Britain and the U.S. The first factor IX product in the U.S. was licensed in 1969.

The early products became known as Factor IX Complex concentrates. The word “complex” in the name refers to the fact that in addition to factor IX, these products also contain several related clotting factors such as factor II, factor X, and in some cases factor VII. Because of the similar properties of these factors, it is difficult to purify factor IX away from the others.

The availability of Factor IX Complex and its effectiveness in treating bleeding episodes significantly improved the health and well-being of hemophilia B patients. The use of Factor IX Complex, however, soon became associated with thromboembolic complications — that is, unwanted, and potentially life-threatening internal clotting. This happened most often when the product was used in large amounts for extended periods of time, for instance in hemophilia B patients undergoing surgery. To eliminate this problem, more highly purified products containing only factor IX were developed with the first one being licensed in the U.S. in 1990.

Another serious complication of the use of factor IX products purified from human plasma is the potential for transmission of infectious diseases. Until the mid-1980s, people receiving factor IX products routinely became infected with hepatitis and other diseases. At the time, it was thought that this was an unfortunate but unavoidable consequence of this valuable therapy. However, then AIDS came along in the early 1980s, and one of the groups most affected was people with hemophilia and their families. This led to the rapid development of a number of methods for inactivating viruses in plasma products. Viral inactivation or removal methods have improved significantly since then to the point that now plasma products have an extremely low risk of disease transmission. Finally, in 1997, the first recombinant factor IX product was licensed in the U.S. Since recombinant products are not made from plasma, they do not carry the risk of transmission of human diseases.

Today, hemophilia B patients are treated with high-purity plasma-derived or recombinant factor IX concentrates. Advances in treatment methods, such as prophylaxis, have led to essentially normal longevity and a much higher quality of life. Newer recombinant products, new delivery methods, and FDA-approved clinical trials of gene therapy for hemophilia B are under way that may further alter treatment options and improve quality of life.

Hemophilia B Educational Resources

World Federation of Hemophilia

The World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) is committed to bringing the bleeding disorders community together in the name of Treatment for All. This commitment is especially important during the COVID-19 crisis. The WFH deeply believes that where you live should not determine your access to care and treatment for an inherited bleeding disorder.

National Hemophilia Foundation

The National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) is dedicated to finding cures for inheritable blood disorders and to addressing and preventing the complications of these disorders through research, education, and advocacy enabling people and families to thrive.

Hemophilia Federation of America

Hemophilia Federation of America is a national nonprofit organization that assists, educates and advocates for the bleeding disorders community.

National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

NORD, a 501(c)(3) organization, is a patient advocacy organization dedicated to individuals with rare diseases and the organizations that serve them. NORD, along with its more than 300 patient organization members, is committed to the identification, treatment, and cure of rare disorders through programs of education, advocacy, research, and patient services.

LA Kelley Communications

LA Kelley Communications was founded in 1990 with the belief that any individual facing hardship, adversity or challenges–when given the right tools–can overcome, triumph, and even grow stronger in character and confidence.

Women and Girls with Hemophilia

Let’s Talk Period aims to increase awareness of the signs and symptoms of bleeding disorders. Through her internationally recognized research program at Queen’s University, Dr. James, Hematologist at Kingston Health Sciences Centre, and her team have developed a self-administered bleeding assessment tool (Self- BAT) that will help inform people about their bleeding and guide them toward the help they need.